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Joke’s On You

Snoop Dog

The first of April.

While some may notice this change as the time to begin using the cliche “April showers bring May flowers,” others seize April 1st as a chance to pull pranks on everyone in sight.


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Think this holiday is limited to secretly placed whoopie cushions and jumping out of corners to scare your coworkers? You’re sadly mistaken. This holiday has now been taken over by the brands we’ve come to know and love, and want this tom foolery to be passed on to everyone in their audience.

Here’s a breakdown of our favorite April Fools Day jokes.

Quilted Northern‘s Rustic Weave

The toilet paper giant released a new line of bathroom tissue that’s guaranteed to leave consumers with a lasting impact.

YouTube‘s SnoopaVision

360 videos may be a cool video feature on social, but why stop there? YouTube rose to the occasion and added a new feature that users can enable on their videos to make the experience even better – fo’shizzle. 

OpenTable‘s Taste app

Not sure if you’re willing to try out the new restaurant for dinner? Missing out on your favorite dish? OpenTable recognizes that viewing a photo may not be enough to satisfy your appetite. That’s why they’ve developed a new app to add another sensory experience to your social feeds. 

It would be remiss of us if we didn’t highlight the April Fools flop of the day. Google rolled out a feature to its Gmail account holders that allowed an email response that dropped the mic on the conversation. Literally. If selected, the email response would contain a GIF of our favorite Minions dropping the mic. Cute, except when this feature had an unexpected symptom of forcibly ending the conversation. Users found that they no longer received the rest of the conversation, because, well, the mic had been dropped. No worries, this feature was swiftly removed, and Google issued an apology to its users.

Happy April Fools, everyone. What’s been your favorite prank this year?

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