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How To Make Great Video Content With The Camera You Already Have

It’s safe to say the future of social media content is video.

If you’re a solopreneur or a small business trying to get into the content game, you’re probably already aware of this. In fact, chances are you’re reading this because you don’t have the budget to hire a camera crew or you think you can’t produce good enough video content on your own.

I’ll let Stanley from The Office respond to that thought process on my behalf:

Sure, you can spend thousands of dollars on cameras and lenses and tripods and lights and blah blah blah, but if you don’t know how to use them, start with the camera you already have. There are a lot of things wrong with the world in 2018, but one thing we have going for us is that we all have cameras in our pockets at all times. They’re called phones. And while they might not produce cinematic gold, they certainly get the job done. Especially on social media, where content is often lost in the abyss that is the internet within 24 hours.

Chase Jarvis (and probably a bunch of other great photographers) says, “the best camera is the one you have with you.” And while that’s true, it’s only a good camera if you’re using it well.

After all, you can own all the fishing poles in the world, but if you don’t know how to cast your line, you’re going to be ordering pizza for dinner.

Here are a few tips to make the best video content with the camera you already have:

Tell A Story

No matter the purpose of the video, a good story always captivates an audience. Nothing keeps a viewer on the hook like conflict resolution.

Shoot To Edit

Always shoot intentionally. This means you should be conscious of how each clip can be used as you’re filming. Whether it’s for a transition clip, b-roll, interview, or action shot, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success when it comes time to edit.

Trim The Fat

Unless it’s a livestream, always take the extra time to edit. Even if it’s a single clip, trim the front and back of it so there is no unnecessary footage. It only takes a few seconds of shaky, inaudible, or seemingly pointless frames for your viewer to get bored and go somewhere else.

(Internally, we use Adobe Premiere Pro, but you can get away with iMovie or Windows Movie Maker to start out!)

Upgrade As You Go

While you don’t need a fancy shmancy video rig to get started, it’s important to improve as you get more into creating video content. Even if you decide to stick with the phone camera for a while, using an external microphone and some form of stabilization can greatly increase the quality of your clips.

There’s no time like the present to get some video content up on your social media feeds. The biggest mistake you’ll make is letting lack of gear or experience keep you from starting. If you decide that video content creation isn’t your strongest skill, our creative team is always ready to help!

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