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Music City Millennials

Music City Millennials

Career opportunities. Cost of rent. Availability of coffee shops.

These are just a few of the factors that, according to review website Niche, millennials consider when deciding to plant their roots – at least for a little while.

Niche conducted a survey to analyze the best cities in the United States for millennials to reside. Areas such as Cambridge, Manhattan, and San Francisco hold the top spots in the nation, and others, such as Forbes and Huffington Post, have reports that closely mirror this article. Nashville? Hardly a medal winner. You’d have to scroll to #68 to find Tennessee’s capital on the list.

Despite what these reports say, there is a steady trend of millennials deciding to live in Nashville. What, then, is the draw to the area? I asked our millennial Paratroopers why they’ve decided to live here.

Music City Millennials

“I think Nashville is a small business hub with lots of opportunity for growth. I also think it’s on the cusp of becoming the next big city. It still has a small town community feel, but with the perks of living in a larger city.”

— Kristin, from Joelton, TN; University of Tennessee

“I like Nashville because of the music, food, and the culture. Plus, I have a job at Parachute Media and the cost of living is pretty low here.”

— Sam, from Westminster, MA; Belmont University

“In short, I moved here because I saw Justin Timberlake at the Bridgestone Arena in 2014 and I fell in love with the city. Nashville has the big-city feel and diverse culture that is so attractive to someone wanting to venture from their hometown in coastal Alabama and explore a different side of what the Southeast has to offer.”

— Kara, from Mobile, AL; University of Southern Mississippi

“I came down in the spring of 2013 to visit Belmont, and very quickly transferred from my current university because I was interested in their design program. It’s also a growing city with a great music scene.”

— James, from Victoria, MN; Belmont University

To read more about Millennials, visit our client’s blog at Generational Edge.

Why did you choose to live in Nashville? Comment below.

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