lauren henley hiking

Our Team

Parachute Media Expands Account Team by Welcoming Lauren Henley

By Justin Case

January 29, 2019

With a background in public relations and strong writing skills, Lauren’s can-do attitude and ability to learn quickly is perfect for her new role as Account Coordinator.

Her decision to pursue digital marketing at Parachute Media was driven by both practicality and her passion to create.

“Digital marketing is important because every business needs a continuous flow of new customers to grow its company and quality of products/services. With that in mind, along with my interest in writing as a hobby and an artistic eye, digital marketing was an easy choice!”

Not only can she craft a perfectly-clever social media caption, but she also has a knack for capturing photos. In her free time, Lauren uses her “artistic eye” to practice photography as a side hustle, including capturing content for Boxwood Brake, her cousin’s company that sells handmade jewelry, home decor, and personal care items.

When she’s not at work, you can find Lauren watching The Office, playing with her pup Rooster, or convincing someone to buy her a Mac N’ Cheese pizza from Tailgate Brewery.



What is something quirky about you?

I haven’t grown since I was in middle school, so I’m a fairly short person coming in at a whopping 5’2” (5’1” and ¾ to be exact)! I knew I was right at home on my first day on the job at Parachute Media because my feet touched the floor in their conference room chairs! Big day!! Comfort is key! Also, “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”


Who is one of your professional heros and why?

Right now, I would have to say Jenna Kutcher, a marketing entrepreneur and photographer! She started out as a “small-town girl with big dreams,” and now plays a major role as a social media influencer, podcaster, photographer and resource for aspiring business entrepreneurs. I really admire Jenna because she is so transparent and has shared many of her failures that inspired her to work harder. When I’m not listening to a true crime podcast on my way to work, I’m listening to “The Goal Digger Podcast,” hearing about the journeys of hundreds of women.



What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is “Well, well well. How the turn tables,” said by Michael G. Scott. This can also be considered somewhat of my personal mission statement, if you will. We never know when life is going to completely change directions, and once we’ve found the ground is back under our feet, BAM! Life is back with a brand new edition. I’ve always been proud of my ability to go with the flow and roll with the punches, which is summed up in the wise words butchered by THE Michael Scott.


What is your grand, audacious goal?

My grand, audacious goal is more of a mindset versus a specific position or career milestone. I hope to continuously strive towards contentment, and to always continue learning. By keeping these two goals in mind, I know I will always grow and be the best I can be.


What’s the strategy behind your blog writing process?

Step 1: Grab your favorite drink (almond milk latte for me) and turn on a Spotify focus playlist.

Step 2: Create 3+ focuses about your topic.

Step 3: Begin writing, no backspacing and no stopping.

Step 4: When finished with your rough draft, take a break.

Step 5: Come back refreshed and edit your blog!

Step 6: Edit it again.

Step 7: And again.


If you could Skype with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

Although I know I would complete some Fear-Factor-grade, weird tasks to meet the members of Kings of Leon, I would have to choose to Skype with John Mayer. His recent Instagram Live videos have been absolutely hilarious, and I love nothing more than a good joke. Also, if I’ve kept your attention for this long, here’s something I haven’t mentioned: I’ve played guitar since I was 10. John has always been one of my musical inspirations, and to Skype with him would be one of the best moments of my life!