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Parachute Media Welcomes Shelby Nations, Account Coordinator

Parachute Media is excited to announce the addition of Shelby Nations to our talented team!

Shelby is our newest team member, but is hardly new to Nashville or the digital marketing world. Shelby graduated from Belmont University in 2016 with a degree in Multimedia Production and minor in Video Production. She’s also lived in Nashville for almost all of her life, making her a native to our beautiful city. She has a talented, creative eye for the details and is a huge compliment to our existing staff in experience and skill sets. With her years of experience working with restaurants to develop their brands, she’s also worked on video production teams and is passionate about charity.

“I love getting absorbed in a project and looking at the clock and realizing I’ve been working on it for hours but it only feels like minutes.” Shelby brings a passion and experience to Parachute that is highly valued.

When Shelby is not working, you may bump into her volunteering at one of the many non-profits she is associated with, hanging out with friends around town, cuddling cats, or driving her Mustang convertible around the city (with Shelby stripes, of course)! Welcome Shelby, and we hope you have the privilege of working with her soon!

Parachute Media: What is something quirky about you?

Shelby: I’ve always gone by my middle name instead of my first name. Also, I can kiss my elbow.

Parachute Media: Do you have a personal mission statement?

Shelby: Love people and love yourself.

Parachute Media: What is your grand, audacious goal?

Shelby: I would love to travel more, especially outside of the United States. Seeing the pyramids is definitely on my bucket list.

Parachute Media: What sparked your interest in digital marketing?

Shelby: I just kind of fell into it. My first job out of college was with a small, start up advertising agency. I was the only employee for awhile so I didn’t just wear many hats, I wore pretty much all of them. I ended up managing all of our client’s social accounts as well as creating media content for them and discovered I really enjoyed it.

Parachute Media: Who is one of your professional heros and why?

Shelby: Christopher Nolan. He’s one of my favorite directors. I really love his approach to filmmaking. I love the complexity of his stories and how he tries to use as many practical effects as possible when filming. It’s so fascinating to watch how he makes it all happen.

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