Social Media

Welcome to 2019 Folks…Brought to You by an Instagram Egg

By Casey Hensley

January 29, 2019

As a digital marketing agency, we pride ourselves in understanding what it takes to build a brand on social media. On January 4th, 2019, an unprecedented Instagram egg stunt was launched that whisked everything up.

Chances are, you’ve already come across this little Instagram egg on your own (it is hard to egg-nore), but in case you haven’t, here is the famous egg that has the internet scrambling.


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Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this ? #LikeTheEgg #EggSoldiers #EggGang

A post shared by EGG GANG ? (@world_record_egg) on

While the initial motive may still be unknown, the goal was straightforward: break Kylie Jenner’s previously held record for most likes on one photo, set at a daunting 18 million+. In a matter of days, this anonymous account not only beat Jenner’s previous record, they crushed it. Truly egg-ceptional work, if you ask us.

So how egg-sactly did this handsome egg accomplish the task?

Humans, at our core (or yolk, have you), want to feel connected to a community. We want to be a part of something bigger and leave our mark on something. While most of us probably never thought that would entail ‘liking’ a picture on Instagram, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. At this egg-sact moment, 46,102,138 people (and growing) have come together forming the coined ‘Egg Gang’ for a greater good. In this day in age, that is something to talk about!

Hashtags are great way to draw attention to an account or post. @world_record_egg currently uses three hashtags, #LikeTheEgg, #EggSoldiers, and #EggGang. #EggGang alone already has 73,338 posts—that’s incredible!

While hashtags and a sense of belonging helped the cause, they weren’t the only contributing factors to this little guy’s success. @world_record_egg has been featured on prominent news channels across the globe and has been the headlining story of various newspapers and online journals. Never underestimate word-of-mouth growth!

What’s next for this handsome little egg?

This little stunt has become the talk of the marketing world. As a result, celebrities and retailers are getting behind this little fella and becoming part of the #EggGang. And we suspect this won’t be the last we see of egg related marketing schemes…

Parachute Media’s thoughts…

Account Manager, Adam Fricke, believes there might be to the egg hype than meets the eye. “What if Kylie Jenner made the egg account too. That way she’ll always hold the record,” he suggests. While there have been speculations of the person behind @world_record_egg, the owner of the account has yet to be confirmed.  This conspiracy theory is one to follow!

We might not be able to guarantee account growth of over 7 million in two weeks. But, at Parachute Media, we offer a variety of services tailored to account specific needs. So if you’re looking to grow your brand in 2019, shoot us an email. We’ll have some egg-stravagant ideas cooked up for you in no time.