Business Advice

What’s Up With Google AdWords?

By Alison Hall

June 21, 2018

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Google AdWords is Constantly Evolving.

Unless you’re in the PPC trenches on a daily basis, it’s easy to miss the subtle (and not so subtle) changes within the platform. As we’ve seen before, it’s easy to make mistakes within the platform if you’re not careful. Here we will outline some of the updates Google Adwords have implemented in 2018.

AdWords and Google Optimize Integration

PPC account managers will now be able to use AdWords and Optimize hand in hand, which will enable users to test web pages more granularly than ever before. Since landing page experience is such an important factor in determining Quality Score, having the ability to seamlessly use both tools will make AdWords accounts stronger than ever. Not only will Quality Score improve, but managers will be able to have a better understanding of how different web page variations compare against conversion goals.

Notes Within AdWords Interface

Google will also be rolling out notes to the UI to assist users keep track of performance. Notes will be available to be created and edited within the performance graph, notes panel, or the report table. Adding a note on the performance graph allows users to callout a specific data point, while the notes panel allows users to add a note to any date range or view notes from previous date ranges.

Add-On for Google Sheets

Google Sheets Add-On gives AdWords users the opportunity to import AdWords data directly into sheets. It will enable users to create custom reports in sheets without using third-party add-ons. Reports can be created and saved on a monthly or weekly basis. This tool is particularly useful for marketers who aren’t using third-party data to pull and organize Adwords data. The ability to automate reports will allow users to free up some valuable time they could be spending optimizing their campaigns rather than manually pulling reports.

Now that you know the latest and greatest features in AdWords, don’t be afraid to try them out![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” url=”” align=”center” button_custom_width=”” el_class=”hvr-grow-ctr” btn_hover_bg=”#1ffcc6″ btn_hover_txt_color=”#003366″]CONTACT US[/mk_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]