Business Advice

WordPress Theme Pros & Cons

By Justin Case

March 07, 2017

WordPress. Love it or hate it, WordPress makes millions of businesses run on the web. As of 2015, this machine has driven over 26% of the web. More than 500 websites are created every day using the CMS (Content Management System).

Other interesting facts include:

WordPress is a great platform with a theme for every type of business out there including restaurants, news sites, ad agencies, nonprofits, and many more. But is a theme right for your business? If you are considering a new website on WordPress, chances are good that your developer has asked you, “So, would you like to use a theme for your new website?”

What is a WordPress theme anyway?

A WordPress theme provides a framework for your content. In a nutshell, it’s the look and feel of your website. In other words, it’s how the content and functionality will be presented.

Did you catch that? Content and functionality will drive the theme. In our world, content is still king. You’d be smart to discuss the content you want on your site including who you are, what you do, and calls-to-action. It’s your story that will ultimately ask visitors to buy into your brand and become a customer.

Back to WordPress themes. Once you have wrapped your mind around content and functionality, you can go theme shopping. Which theme will tell your story the best? Keep in mind that some things in a theme are customizable (number of pages, fonts, colors, placement of buttons, etc.), and some are not (or are not without hiring a professional).

What will a WordPress theme include exactly?

When shopping for themes, look at the design features. They may include several options for a blog page, for example. Make sure you look through every page of the theme to see what your options are. Paid themes will generally give you more options to customize than free themes. This could be a whole other blog post, but we’re sticking to basics today!

WordPress design features to look at:

Pros of using a WordPress theme

There a few major positives to using a WordPress theme. Besides cutting down development time, you’ll be able to…

Cons of using a WordPress theme

There are also negatives to using themes.

Resources for themes

Handy websites where you can buy themes: Theme Forest Elegant Themes

Free themes:

A few of my favorite “essential” plugins: WordFence Security Google Analytics Dashboard for WP Yoast SEO Ninja Forms Duplicate Page

Outside of these plugins, you’re getting into client-specific plugins.

WordPress is a great tool for both beginners and seasoned pros. Is a theme the best for your business? Let us know how you decided to use a theme or have your website custom coded in the comments.