Kirkland’s: Pinterest SEO Overhaul

The Goal

Pinterest is all about keywords, eye-catching graphics, and tailored copy. When these three ingredients are blended to perfection, your pins should perform in a way that increases website sessions and, eventually, transactions and value.

Kirkland’s Pinterest had it all- beautiful imagery, top-notch captions, and engaging CTAs, but over time, we noticed that we weren’t continuously increasing the rate of new followers on Pinterest or unique visitors to our website from Pinterest. Then it clicked… our strategy recipe was lacking SEO!


The Process

We developed a plan to overhaul the SEO of Kirkland’s Pinterest account. This included rephrasing board names, board descriptions, and honing in on more engaging CTAs and captions. After researching top-searched terms on Pinterest, we tweaked the names of each board and even merged a few! We cut all fluff terms and added descriptive keywords that maximized the SEO of each board.

Next, we reworked each board description, adding in a few more keywords that frequently made appearances in popular Pinterest searches.

Finally, once the board names and descriptions were updated, we began to increase post frequency and focused on elevating the copy of each and every pin moving forward. 


The Results 

We expected a steep increase in website sessions and transactions from Pinterest to Kirkland’s website. But what we did not expect was a 568.88% increase year over year in traffic referrals from Pinterest. We’re closing in on one year since these changes were made, and we could not agree more that SEO is the most important ingredient when finding your custom concoction for the contents of a Pinterest page and its strategy.




If your social page results are plateauing, get in touch with our team for a solution and an SEO audit!