Parachute Media Welcomes Adam Fricke

Parachute Media has added a videographer, Adam Fricke, to our amazing and talented team! Adam is “passionate about using media to create stories” and “believe[s] we all have more in common than we think, and connecting through stories helps us find ways to relate.”

Adam Fricke_michigan_porcupinemountains

He will be tasked with telling stories for brands like Merrell, Parachute Media, and our in-house brands like Camping With Dogs and Camping With Cats. As video continues to evolve on social media, Adam brings a unique perspective and creativity that works well for our outdoor clients. His talents extend to photography and social media copy as well.

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Adam is a recent college graduate who spent a year traveling with his brother documenting life as it happened through a blog, vlog, and social media. They dubbed it “The Bro’d Trip” (get it?) and managed to visit all 50 states while truly “living in a van down by the river,” Adam says. “We even took a page from the Parachute Media playbook and used a targeted Facebook ad strategy to land our story in the folds of publications like Business Insider, Grind TV, Yahoo! Travel, and The Plaid Zebra to name a few. After wandering around the whole country, I couldn’t have found a better place to continue my career than here in Nashville.”

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When he’s not at work, Adam can be found with a camera in hand. Adam “love[s] getting outside to surf, hike, or go for a bike ride. I’m also fond of playing guitar, going to concerts, reading, trying new craft beers, and petting other people’s dogs.”

We’re happy to have you, Adam!