Radio and Social Media Working Together

Newsflash: If you are keeping digital, traditional, print, email, and radio advertising in their own silos, you’re doing it all wrong. They can all play together nicely! In fact, they work the best when you put them on the same team with the same goal.


Today I used Edley’s BBQ as a great example. Edley’s BBQ advertises with Nashville radio station, Lighting 100. Dan Buckley over at the station does a great job of promoting Edley’s BBQ by asking listeners to tweet their song requests. Regardless of the call to action, many brand’s use radio advertising but leave radio in the radio bucket. They don’t think about how to use the overflow of traffic from one media source to fill up another. Brand’s that really get it, will be present on other social media channels looking for opportunities to cross promote.

When Dan Buckely asked for song requests on the radio station today, Edley’s BBQ tweeted to @Lightning100 and @DanBuckley to play Sugar and the Hi Lows (and awesome collaboration between Amy Stroup and Trent Dabbs). Within minutes, the tweet had a Favorite and Retweet from Lightning 100 and after two songs, they were talking on the air about the song that Edley’s BBQ requested. See it happen here in (almost) real time:

So now we’ve used radio advertising to drive traffic to Twitter, and since we created a YouTube video telling our fans and Lightning 100’s listeners how easy it is to request a lunch hour song, we will post it on Facebook and Twitter and drive traffic to YouTube. Now we have several different types of media platforms working together towards a common goal!

This was a great opportunity to use radio as a channel for our efforts on social media and tie in several big name influencers in Nashville. Radio can be a good advertising media all on its own. So can social media. BUT when you put them together, that’s when the magic starts to happen!