TikTok Series: Strategy Checklists for your Brand

The fourth installation in our TikTok series provides you a detailed checklist for creating and implementing an effective TikTok strategy for your brand. 

Red graphic that reads: So if I have to be strategic and plan out my content for TikTok, where in the world do I start?!

Like any social media platform, the key to success is strategy. TikTok is no exception. We are breaking down all the necessary steps of creating a TikTok strategy and proper implementation. From creating your account to repurposing your content, we created the ultimate TikTok strategy checklist!

Before we start, make sure you read our intro to TikTok, learn how brands can use this platform, and understand the algorithm.

@jera.bean5 TikTok tips that everyone should know ?

TikTok Strategy Onboarding Checklist:

  • To begin, create your TikTok account.
    • By using your logo as a profile image, you establish branding.
    • Use your brand name as the TikTok name and username.
    • Complete your profile by writing a short and engaging bio.
    • Link your account to your Instagram and YouTube.
  • Before moving on, establish a vertical that will resonate with your target audience.
  • Create a strategic plan for your first 5 videos to establish your authority score.
    • Think: Will all of your videos be original content? Will you utilize user-generated content for your videos?
  • Follow accounts that are popular with your ideal demographic.
  • Switch your account to a Pro Account to access analytics.
  • Devise an advertising plan
  • Engage with similar accounts to gain exposure.
    • This platform rewards accounts that are active and engaging!
  • Post consistently and post often.
  • Now that you have a steady stream of strategic content, cross-promote your TikTok account on your other social channels.
  • Most importantly, stay relevant on all trends: challenges, hashtags, sounds, ads, filters, and more.

Content Creation Checklist:

  • Create content with current trends in mind. If you hop on a trend early enough, your video has a better chance of going viral.
    • However, only pursue trends that are relevant to your brand. Attempting to capitalize on every trending hashtag or challenge will negatively impact your authority score.
  • Gather video content in advance.
    • Whether you are creating all original content or utilizing UGC, gather it ahead of time so you have a variety of content to work with.
  • Prioritize short videos. 10-15 second videos are more likely to receive higher view counts.
  • Utilize various in-app features, such as adding text, to make videos more engaging.
  • Pick a trending sound to add to your video if there is not already a specific sound associated with the trend.
  • Write a short caption if necessary, and provide credit if using UGC.
  • Add hashtags that are relevant to your vertical and incorporate trending hashtags if appropriate for your brand.
    • For example, if you are a dog food brand and there is a trending hashtag about a dog challenge, add it to your caption!
  • Repurpose your TikTok content for other social media platforms.
    • Pairing these videos with a new caption can help it resonate with a new audience on a different platform.
    • Consider creating an Instagram highlight that features all of your TikTok videos.

Utilizing these checklists when creating your brand’s TikTok strategy will ensure you are making the most out of your new social media platform. We hope this blog makes you just as happy as this guy! ⬇️

@britt_churchhappy *girl*

Next up on your to-do list for conquering TikTok, learn how to create high performing content!