Parachute Media: Thinking Inside the (Instagram) Box

Graphic Design | Strategy

The Project

The Client:

Parachute Media

Project Overview: 

Throughout the past decade, Instagram has become the most vital tool for brands to reach an audience, whether that be through an organic feed or a promoted post. As a creative agency brand, we needed to take a step back and realign exactly what we wanted to portray through our channel. 

What: An Instagram feed is a blank canvas for endless possibilities, especially when it comes to personifying a brand. We made a list of what we wanted our work the main thing we showcase, but we also wanted our magnetic energy as a team to shine as well. These items need to be executed in a way that content was relevant and timely while accurately showing our brand personality. To take it one step further and drive viewers to our website, all of the content would link back to a recent blog, case study, project recap, or portfolio.

Who: When potential clients stumble upon our Instagram, they are intrigued by us as a brand. When potential employees come across our page, we appeal to them as a company. And when the Paratroopers scroll through their feed and see their work, they are proud.

Why: While we love posting about timely events and the Parachute Media culture, we saw an Instagram redesign as a way to better showcase the work we’ve done for clients. For us, Instagram Stories provide a space for temporary content. By being intentional with our Instagram page, potential clients have an opportunity to take a look at our work and who we are before visiting our website and digging in deep.  

How: After brainstorming, reworking a multitude of ideas, and laughing at some failed attempts, we finally came to a design that we all felt best-portrayed Parachute. 

When: Our feed content needed to align with the website content that was published and it also needed to fit the layout we designed. 

Challenges: Every project bears challenges, but we’re used to that! This project brought on a handful of them. When we first decided to plan out the redesign, the ideas in our heads didn’t quite translate visually – that was our first challenge. Next, we had to come to an agreement on the frequency of posts highlighting our culture versus client-focused content. The last challenge we experienced, and one that we continue to experience, is the timing of each post in accordance with the layout design.

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